By Dr. Ahmed Haroon Jazbhay
In a typical Zionist reactionary style, the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) on November 23 criticized government’s failure to ‘condemn’ the death of Eli Kay in Occupied Jerusalem on November 21, branding the incident a ‘terror attack’.
He was an illegal alien and occupier in an alien land—Palestine.
Jumping on the War on Terror bandwagon has been a traditional tactic of apartheid Israel’s local cheerleaders.
The Media Review Network (MRN) questions the SAZF regarding the purpose of mourning the death of a white racist South African mercenary.
He chose to move to Israel. He was automatically given citizenship because of his faith, joined the Israeli terrorist forces, and killed Palestinians.
While Kay was given automatic citizenship, six million Palestinians in the diaspora are denied the right of return.
He was a paratrooper in the Zionist army of occupation.
He clearly loved apartheid and instead of mourning his death, he should be regarded as a traitor and disgrace to South Africa.
The Media Review Network commends the South African government for its stance on this issue.
We further call upon the government to investigate the recruitment and deployment of Jewish mercenaries in Israel’s terrorist forces - in violation of the Foreign Military Assistance Act.
We at MRN are certain that many whistle-blowers will emerge to lift the lid on local mercenaries being lured to join the Israeli terrorist forces in Historic Palestine.
We call upon the government to thoroughly investigate this matter and prosecute all South African mercenaries who have served in the Israeli terrorist forces.
Dr. Ahmed Haroon Jazbhay is Executive Member: Media Review Network, Johannesburg, South Africa.