by Taimur Akhter (Letters To The Editor, Crescent International Vol. 45, No. 4, Sha'ban, 1437)
The people of Syria continue to suffer because of foreign meddling in their affairs, writes Taimur Akhter.
The people of Syria are very unfortunate. For more than five years, they have suffered at the hands of ruthless criminals backed by external powers that want to destroy the country for their own nefarious designs, key among them the security of Israel and Bani Saud. While most Syrians have realized that they have been used by foreign powers, there are still some naïve enough to believe that somehow Western rulers or their puppets such as the Saudi regime would liberate them. If the Saudis do not give basic rights even to their own people, why would they do anything for the Syrians?
Taimur Akhter
Toronto, ON, Canada