by Askia Wejd (Letters To The Editor, Crescent International Vol. 46, No. 3, Sha'ban, 1438)
The Jewish Defence [Offence] League is made of violent Zionists. Banned in the US, they operate freely in Canada to terrorist law-abiding citizens.
The Jewish Defense (Offence) League Canada is a group of violent Jewish extremists who specialize in assaulting people critical of Zionist Israel’s crimes against humanity. They do not hide their violent nature. The group has been involved in holding noisy demonstrations outside masjids in Toronto threatening Muslims coming for prayers. It was declared a terrorist organization and banned in the US in the 1980s. In Canada, however, it operates openly and has been involved in several hate crime assaults in 2014 as well as 2015.
JDL thugs travel to the US unhindered — no restriction on the entry of these violent extremists into the land of the free — to spread their hate-filled poison and assault innocent people as occurred on March 26. Wearing distinctive black jackets with a yellow Star of David logo, JDL thugs were captured on a video assaulting 54-year-old Kamal Nayfeh. The Palestinian American professor was so badly beaten that his eye required 19 stitches. Two assailants — Yosef Steynovitz of Vaughan (just outside Toronto) and a JDL member from New Jersey — were charged with committing a hate crime outside the AIPAC conference in Washington, DC.
The question is: why is the JDL not declared a terrorist organization in Canada and why its members are allowed to enter the US to assault innocent people?
Askia Wejd
Terra Haute, IN, US