The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to much drum-beating in western capitals about the victory of capitalism over communism. Western commentators, intoxicated by their belief in the 'effortless superiority' of the west, made dire predictions about the imminent collapse of the People's Republic of China as well. Where caution should have prevailed, the imagination was allowed to run wild.
People, especially celebrities, assume a new life after death. And contrary to Mark Anthony’s claim in the play, Julius Caesar, the good that men do is not forgotten. A cynic might say that Anthony was only referring to men, not women. Perhaps.
Sources: Elizabeth Donnan, 4 vols. Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America, Washington D.C. 1930-1935 Carnage Institute of Technology, Pittusburgh, Pennsylvania.
Since their occupation of Palestine, the Israelis have disrupted the Arabs’ olive and related industries badly.
Old habits, it is said, die hard. This applies especially to the regime of president Husni of Egypt who seems to be continuing in the ways of the pharaohs of bygone days.
Dr Mahathir Mohamed’s much-trumpeted Vision-2020 has been forced to have corrective lenses installed in the last few weeks.