The deep attachment Muslims have for the noble Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, is reflected in celebrations of his birthday with great reverence and enthusiasm throughout the world. This is exactly how it should be. After all, he is the final messenger of Allah and the best of examplars for all mankind. The Qur'an says: 'You have in the messenger of Allah the most beautiful pattern of conduct' (33:21). The Qur'an also commands the believers to 'obey Allah and His messenger' (4: 59). By following his Seerah and Sunnah, Muslims are assured success in this world as well as reward in the hereafter.
The history of Islam and Muslims has entered a new phase of rapid change. Muslims have realised that they are in a position to initiate, direct and control major change in their societies as well as to play a significant role in world politics. It is important that their drive for change in Muslim societies is directed by a profound understanding of the dynamics of change.
The phrase 'Islamic history' is a misnomer. Muslims do not really have Islamic history per se. There is history about Islam which is the product of non-Muslim, and often anti-Muslim, minds. This is true from the wars and battles of epic Islamic military encounters to the political and international relationships that extended from the dynasties of 1300 years ago to the present time.
From the earliest days of the success of the Islamic Revolution in Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini and the revolutionary ulama of Iran, the enemies of Islam have tried to isolate the new Islamic State and limit its impact on the global Islamic movement.
Let us first get a simple point out of the way: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was declared in 1932. The Al-e Saud’s rise to power did not begin until their alliance with the British in the first world war.
Poverty and hunger are age-old human conditions. Today, as humanity awaits the advent of a new millennium, the world continues to be polarized into poor and rich countries.
It should come as no surprise that the west’s favourite clients in the Muslim world have adopted some of the double standards so prevalent in the ‘free’ and ‘democratic’ west.
Why has Mu’ammar Qaddafi managed to survive so many assassination attempts during his 28-year rule? Could it have anything to do with his all-female bodyguards, who have been described ‘wearing their kalashnikovs like Gucci fashion accessories’...
The nasty little war between Ethiopia and Eritrea should be settled before it gets out of control. In a regional context, Sudan must also be a party to any negotiated agreement.
It was a foregone conclusion that there would be political as well as economic fallout from Pakistan’s nuclear explosions. Western governments had made clear that Islamabad would suffer terribly if it followed India down the nuclear path. Such pressure weighed heavily on Pakistani leaders before they took the plunge.
Hindu fanatics have intensified their efforts to erect a temple on the site of the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya that was destroyed by a Hindu mob six years ago.
Rapists, muggers, thieves and murderers all have their rights protected under American law. This right, however, does not extend to Muslims who show any sympathy for their suffering brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.
Last month’s much-vaunted demonstration of NATO air power had no effect whatsoever on Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic’s campaign of ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Kosova. Eighty-five aircraft, representing 13 of NATO’s 16 members...