Twenty years ago, it would have been considered a virtual political suicide if any state, let alone a non-state actor, openly declared its intentions and operations, to strike US occupation forces in West Asia.
Today, it is the norm.
On January 29 when a drone strike caused significant US casualties in Jordan, the American media’s hype about American fury died down fairly quickly.
An over sensationalized media propaganda about “drastic” US response would have forced the White House to take sweeping action whose geopolitical repercussions it cannot handle.
Today’s global order is multipolar and US imperialism cannot act as it pleases without incurring severe political, military, and economic costs.
Apart from the strategic global realities of 2024, there are tactical matters which have significantly reduced Washington’s ability to fight back against the regional push to expel it from West Asia.
Since the beginning of Israeli-US genocide in Palestine last October, American forces have been under constant military pressure in various parts of West Asia.
It is an open secret that Islamic Iran is behind the most effective socio-political and military currents fighting against destructive US imperialism in West Asia.
Tehran’s official position and tactics are strategically synchronized with on-the-ground activities reshaping the region.
Islamic Iran does not take direct responsibility for military operations conducted by its allies and does not directly participate in them.
Tehran has managed to create an alliance system where there is just the right degree of autonomy every member of the Resistance Axis possesses.
This mode of operations creates a political checkmate for the US and its regional military outpost, Israel.
The zionist entity is forced to respect Iran and Hizbullah’s redlines, meaning that the zionist entity cannot launch a major attack on Lebanon or Iran.
This creates a logistical and operational buffer for the Axis of Resistance to continue their operations against Israel.
It helps embolden the Resistance Axis politically and demoralizes apartheid Israel.
A similar effect is being experienced by the US.
Washington’s inability to significantly reduce strategic pressure created against its presence and interests in West Asia erodes its regional and global primacy.
Regional ramifications for the US are much greater than what meets the eye.
As pointed out by Dr. Amal Saad of Cardiff University “when the US, Israel, or anyone else targets these groups and their territories, this revives their raison d’etre and shores up their resistance credentials. This was most recently seen in Gaza by a doubling of support from 22% to 43% for Hamas, according to a December poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. In Yemen, the Houthis’ elevated legitimacy was demonstrated by the defection of a number of militias backed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.”
At the political level, the US and Israel are in a vicious cycle of discrediting themselves and elevating the credibility of their opponents.
On a more tangible level, the Americans can no longer present themselves to regional despotic regimes as guarantors of their safety and stability.
The US cannot guarantee the safety of even its own troops and military proxies in the region.
The American political establishment knows well that attacking Islamic Iran is no longer an option.
Sure, the US can inflict damage on Iran, but as it lacks a launching point to go to war against Tehran, a full-scale war will mean a certain defeat for the US.
Being indigenous to the region, Iran can wipe out all of the US’ logistic capabilities necessary for direct military confrontation with Tehran.
Regional Munafiq (dual loyalist) regimes will not be able to provide their territories to be used as a full-scale launching pad against Iran.
It will entail a harsh Iranian response and most importantly some form of internal unrest.
A country cannot fight a full-fledged war when its logistical routes are exposed to direct military fire as well as political instability.
Objective analysis of the region shows that Islamic Iran’s calculated military, diplomatic, economic and political steps have put the US in a Catch-22 situation.
Americans and its pro-zionist stooges are stuck between a rock and a hard place.