by Mohammed H. Siddiq (Letters To The Editor, Crescent International Vol. 45, No. 4, Sha'ban, 1437)
Mohammed H. Siddiq, a native of the Arabian Peninsula, reveals the ugly truth of Bani Saud.
Arabia is a country dominated by a pack of palace dwellers (previously known as tent dwellers). Any attempt by the underprivileged to reach the reins of power is severely punished by these greedy amirs. In Arabia, top government posts are passed down from generation to generation as a “civil and legal” right. No commoner can ever dream much less dare to take over such “inheritance.”
How long will the people of Arabia remain silent in the face of those amirs that do not want the country to prosper and live with pride and dignity? Not too long, one hopes. We, the people of Arabia are determined to see the country, the cradle of Islam, returned to its pristine values of Islamic morality and dignity, not a land polluted by immoral, corrupt and thieving amirs.
Mohammed H. Siddiq
Lincoln, NE, US