by Ahmed al Suweify (Letters To The Editor, Crescent International Vol. 44, No. 3, Rajab, 1436)
Reader Ahmed al Suweify urges Muslims to seriously consider launching a campaign to get rid of the Bani Saud and reclaim the Haramayn.
The Haramain, the two Holy Masjids in Makkah and Madinah, belong to all Muslims. They are not the exclusive property of Bani Saud. This primitive family emerged from the dark crevices of Najd and has plagued the Muslim world ever since. There is also considerable confusion among Muslims about the true nature of Bani Saud and the toxic ideas it propagates.
While most Muslims are aware of the significance of al-Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and the threat it faces under Zionist occupation, they tend to switch off when it comes to the Haramayn, erroneously assuming that Muslims (Bani Saud) are administering it. While Bani Saud may be nominal Muslims, they fall far short of what is required to qualify for this serious responsibility. They are servants of the US and Zionist Israel and, therefore, unfit to administer the Haramayn. Makkah and Madinah under Bani Saud are no different than al-Masjid al-Aqsa under the Zionists.
It is time committed Muslims joined forces to liberate the Haramayn from the clutches of these corrupters. Unless Makkah and Madinah are administered by muttaqi Muslims, the Ummah will continue to be humiliated.
Ahmed al-Suweify
Los Angeles, CA, US