Crescent International Vol. 29, No. 23

Newsmagazine of the Islamic movement

Iqbal Siddiqui

Dhu al-Qa'dah, 1421 2001-02

Developing Just Leadership

Abdar Rahman Koya

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421

Book Review

HADITH AND SUNNAH – IDEALS AND REALITIES edited by P.K. Koya, 2nd. edition, 2000; Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Email Pp: 360. Price: RM36.

Developing Just Leadership


Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421


Every February, Muslims around the world mark the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, which established the prototypical Islamic state of the modern era in Iran. This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the American assault on Iraq in 1991 (the US bombing campaign began on January 16, 1991, and the land war — if that is the right word — lasted from February 23-27).

Developing Just Leadership

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421

Islamic Movement

As Muslims from all over the world begin to travel to the Hijaz for Hajj, ZAFAR BANGASH, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT), discusses the true nature of the annual pilgrimage.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Iqbal Siddiqui

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421

Occupied Arab World

Two more Palestinians were killed by Israel on January 25. One was a 22-year-old youth shot dead by troops; the other was a 16-year-old boy who died in hospital, one day after being shot by Jewish settlers.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Helena Bestakova

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421

Special Reports

Despite widespread concern about the impact of depleted-uranium weapons used by the West in Iraq and elsewhere, western governments refused to address the issues until their own troops started developing cancer.

Ensuring Socio-economic Justice

Abul Fadl

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421

Special Reports

In an attempt to put a happier face on globalization, G8 (Group of Eight, also known as ‘Greedy Eight’) leaders tried to placate the world’s less fortunate at their summit in Japan last July by promising to set up a Digital Opportunities Task Force (DOT) to identify ways to encourage the spread of technology to the farthest reaches of the “developing world”.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

M.A. Shaikh

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421


French legislators voted unanimously on January 18 to recognise the alleged genocide of Armenians by Turks in 1915. At the same time the British government published plans for a memorial day on January 27 for genocide victims worldwide, designed mainly to commemorate the Jewish holocaust and Armenian genocide.

Developing Just Leadership

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421


Hopes of a less strident foreign policy from the new American president, George W. Bush, even in such areas as oil, especially vis-a-vis Iran, may be misplaced. While Bush and Dick Cheney, his vice-president, are beholden to oil interests, American officialdom has the tendency to act in incredibly stupid ways.

Developing Just Leadership

Crescent International

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421


Russian president Vladimir Putin signed three major decrees in one week last month, making important changes to the Russian occupation regime in Chechnya...

Developing Just Leadership

Crescent International

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421


Laurent Desire Kabila, the assassinated president of the Congo Democratic Republic, is finally buried, and his son, Joseph, is to succeed him.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Zia Sarhadi

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421


One of the oft-repeated cliches about Kashmir is that the issue is complicated and cannot be resolved quickly. The premise is false, although the conclusion may be correct.

Developing Just Leadership

Crescent International

Dhu al-Qa'dah 07, 1421


The trusted adviser of Kazakhstan’s president Nursultan Nazarbayev on oil-matters, economic planning, education, investments, health-care, pensions and communications is an American deal-fixer who shuttles between his offices in Almaty (the Kazakh commercial capital) and the New York headquarters of his company, Mercator.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Abul Fadl

Jumada' al-Ula' 04, 1438


The Turkish army’s drive to crush the country’s Islamic movement continues unabated. The latest episode is the postponement of a debate on a constitutional amendment that would make it difficult to close political parties.

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