Here we conclude a series of reprinted articles reflecting on the Islamic Revolution in Iran and its impact on world history, written by the late DR KALIM SIDDIQUI and first published in 1989.
Here we reprint an interview with KHALID MESHA’AL, leader of the Hamas politburo, given during talks between different Palestinian groups in Cairo last month.
The tragedy of the Iraqi people is turning into a farce in the Arab rulers’ hands. As if the insults traded between colonel Mu’ammar Qaddafi of Libya and crown prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at the Arab League summit on March 1 were not enough, the OIC also got in on the act on March 5 in Doha.
Eleven Palestinians, almost all non-combatants, were killed in the northern Ghazzah town of Jabalya on March 6, during the Israeli military’s third major incursion into Ghazzah in less than a week.
What’s in a NAM? This was answered even before the so-called non-aligned countries, which constitute the Non-Aligned Movement, began their summit in Kuala Lumpur on February 24. For many heads of state who attended, it was a short holiday in the tropics.
While the Philippine armed forces were bombarding Muslim villages and towns in the south of the country, a large and powerful bomb exploded on March 4 at Davao airport in southern Philippines, killing dozens of foreigners.
Despite eighteen months of relentless bombing, the US has failed to turn Afghanistan into a democratic paradise with groceries in every shopping plaza and a McDonald’s at every street corner. This is frustrating for US president Bush...
Pakistan has been afflicted by two curses since the beginning of its existence: one a quirk of geography and the other of choice. At its birth Pakistan was saddled with an enemy, India, many times its size; and its ruling elites’ desire to pursue "friendship" with America is the second, warping its policies in the process.
At a time when the world is debating the legality and morality of America’s determination to invade and occupy Iraq, the Turkish parliament’s rejection on March 1 of a motion allowing US troops to deploy in Turkey on their way to northern Iraq was widely seen both as a major act of anti-American defiance from a state which has recently seen a (vaguely) Islamist government win power...