Did the Coronavirus spread from animals (infected bats) to humans or was it made in a lab to target America’s enemies after its failures on the military fronts? Why China and Iran have been so badly affected? The Shaytani mind, it seems, never takes a break.
The coronavirus is spreading rapidly across the world. The US has become the new global epicenter. As the death toll mounts, so does the evidence that the virus was made in a US lab and spread against its enemies, China and Iran. It has come back to haunt the US.
With the arrest of several senior ‘royals’ and scores of security personnel, crown prince Muhammad bin Salman’s panic is evident. Rumours have it that he wants to become king before the G-20 summit next November regardless of whether his father is alive or dead.
Alongside the Coronavirus, another virus—Hindutva—is raging across India. But unlike the coronavirus, the Hindutva virus does not cripple those afflicted by it; instead, it leads them to target minorities especially Muslims in India.
Unlike other countries, Iran and Palestine face two challenges: illegal sanctions and siege, and the coronavirus. Both have devasted their populations.
Amer Fakhoury, a notorious torturer and Zionist agent, escaped justice when he was whisked out of Lebanon by the US. He was warden at the Zionist-supervised, SLA-run infamous Khiam concentration camp where Lebanese strugglers including women and children were brutally tortured until its liberation in May 2000.
This Ramadan is likely to be very different from the Muslims’ past experiences. Since the revelation of the noble Qur’an is intimately linked with Ramadan, Muslims should utilize this opportunity to understand the Divine message to implement it in their lives.
The US and its NATO allies do not give up on mischief. They may withdraw all forces from Afghanistan but their destabilization activities will not cease.
While Covid-19 has scared the living daylights of everyone, life will be very different from now on provided one survives the pandemic.
The American political system is so corrupt that it will not allow the legitimate wishes of the people to be realized. This was again witnessed in the manner in which Bernie Sanders’ campaign was sabotaged by billionaire oligarchs to select Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee.
The Saudis are not likely to get away with their disruptive oil policy that is affecting Russian interests. There will be blowback and it will cost the Saudis more than they bargained for.
Turkish-backed terrorists have started to target Turkish troops in Syria and are violating the March 5 agreement between Moscow and Ankara. This has put Erdogan in a quandary. He should abandon his support for the terrorists and bring to end this terrible project.
For most Muslims, Umrah is a ritual that they perform without realizing its broader significance. Our Editorial Board member narrates a very different experience that should give everyone food for thought.
Has Feminism helped women or hindered their progress and negatively impacted their lives? We take a closer look.
It is commonly believed that Russia intervened in Syria at the end of September 2015 to save the government of Bashar al Asad. There is another opinion: it did so to undermine the influence of Hizbullah and Iran in Syria at the behest of Zionist Israel with whom Russia has hidden but deep relations.