Abu Dharr

Abu Dharr is the pen-name of a senior Islamic movement intellectual who contributes to the monthly column in Crescent International newsmagazine, discussing key issues concerning the global Islamic movement.


He That Is Overcautious Will Accomplish Little

Abu Dharr

Rajab 01, 1446 2025-01-01


I Hate Judgments That Only Crush And Don’t Transform

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 29, 1446 2024-12-01


Trust Not A New Friend Nor An Old Enemy

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 29, 1446 2024-11-01


The Revenge That Is Postponed Is Not Forgotten

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 27, 1446 2024-10-01


Much Is Expected Where Much Is Given

Abu Dharr

Muharram 26, 1446 2024-08-01


I Shall Temper… Justice With Mercy

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 1445 2024-06-01


A Problem Clearly Stated Is A Problem Half Solved

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 20, 1445 2024-03-01


A Good Conscience Is A Choice Companion

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 1445 2024-01-01


An Ounce Of Discretion Is Better Than A Pound Of Knowledge

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 17, 1445 2023-11-01


By Falling, We Learn To Go Safely

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 1445 2023-10-01


Always Leave A Little Room For A Mistake

Abu Dharr

Muharram 14, 1445 2023-08-01


Better Conference Than Conflict

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 12, 1444 2023-06-01


An Imam Shows What He is by What He does with What He has

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 1443 2022-06-01


A Fault-mender is Better than a Fault-finder

Abu Dharr

Ramadan 30, 1443 2022-05-01


Absence of Malice

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 1443 2022-02-01


Beware of A Reconciled Enemy

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 28, 1443 2022-01-01


There is More Disputing about the Shell than the Kernel

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 26, 1443 2021-12-01


It is Not Who is Right But What is Right

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 25, 1443 2021-11-01


Man Builds the House, Woman Makes the Home

Abu Dharr

Safar 24, 1443 2021-10-01


To Avoid Criticism, Do Nothing, Say Nothing, Be Nothing

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 22, 1442 2021-08-01


He Invites Future Injuries Who Rewards Past Ones

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 20, 1442 2021-07-01


The Only Known Cure for Ignorance is Education

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 18, 1442 2021-04-01


Nothing Shows Dirt Like a White Lie

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 1442 2021-02-01


It Takes More Courage to Repent than to Keep on Sinning

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 1442 2020-12-01


The Greatest of Faults is to be Conscious of None

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 1442 2020-11-01


“Hadiths”: Clear the Air and Clear the Decks

Abu Dharr

Muharram 13, 1442 2020-09-01


Some Information about the Hadiths You may have Not Known

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 10, 1441 2020-07-01


Education is Not Received, It is Achieved

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 09, 1441 2020-06-01


From 9/11 to Covid-19: al-Shaytan does not Sleep

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 07, 1441 2020-04-01


An Open Letter to Imam Khamenei, May Allah Escort His Every Step!

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 07, 1441 2020-02-01


When Goliath is an Israel and David is a Muslim

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 06, 1441 2020-01-01


Everything is Connected… No One Thing Can Change by Itself

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 1441 2019-12-01


Discussion is an Exchange of Knowledge

Abu Dharr

Muharram 02, 1441 2019-09-01


My House shall be Called the House of Prayer…

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 27, 1440 2019-07-01


United We Survive, Divided We Perish

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 25, 1440 2019-05-01


The Crusading Salafi and the Goofy Sufi

Abu Dharr

Rajab 25, 1440 2019-04-01


Iran and Shias, Ikhwan and Sunnis

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 24, 1440 2019-03-01


“Israel first” is Making “America last”

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 26, 1440 2019-02-01


Muslim Unity is Not an Illusion — It is an Obligation

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 23, 1440 2018-12-01


Something Behind the Throne Greater Than the King

Abu Dharr

Muharram 21, 1440 2018-10-01


A Person Between Man and the Angels

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 1439 2018-09-01


Prejudices are What Rule the Vulgar Crowd

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 1439 2018-08-01


Sickly Saint, Likely a Healthy Hypocrite

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 17, 1439 2018-07-01


One Who is Afraid to Run Away!

Abu Dharr

Ramadan 16, 1439 2018-06-01


Imam Khamene’i! Please Stay the Course

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 15, 1439 2018-02-01


More People Know Tom Fool than Tom Fool Knows

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 13, 1439 2018-01-01


Saudi Sudais trumps Qatari Qardawi

Abu Dharr

Muharram 11, 1439 2017-10-01


All are not saints that go to church!

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 1438 2017-09-01


A Fault once Denied is Twice Committed

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 08, 1438 2017-08-01


When two quarrel, both are in the wrong

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 07, 1438 2017-07-01


Fore-think, though you cannot fore-tell

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 04, 1438 2017-05-01


Muslim on the outside, Zionist/Imperialist on the inside

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 02, 1438 2017-03-01

News & Analysis

The sons of Saud: the scions of Zion

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 03, 1438 2017-01-01


Joy to the world, the Word has come

Abu Dharr

Safar 01, 1438 2016-12-01


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 29, 1437 2016-10-01


Bani Saud: why not make friends when you need them?

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 1437 2016-09-01


The sultan and the Shaytan

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 27, 1437 2016-08-01


If the Saudis stay, there will be hell to pay

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 23, 1437 2016-04-01


Hypocrisy is the necessary burden of villainy

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 21, 1437 2016-03-01


Glorious anniversary of the Islamic Revolution!

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 22, 1437 2016-02-01


If there were no fools, there would be no wars

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 20, 1437 2016-01-01


When the fox preaches, look to your geese

Abu Dharr

Safar 19, 1437 2015-12-01


Several excuses are always less convincing than one

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 17, 1436 2015-11-01


What is done by night, appears by day

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 17, 1436 2015-10-01


Cold feet are usually the result of burnt fingers

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 12, 1436 2015-04-01


You’re 36, you’re beautiful, and you’re mine!

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 11, 1436 2015-02-01


Royal Saudi blowback

Abu Dharr

Safar 08, 1436 2014-12-01


We Two!

Abu Dharr

Muharram 08, 1436 2014-11-01


A jahili Hajj

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 06, 1435 2014-10-01


The Salafis, the Ikhwan and the Saudi wild card

Abu Dharr

Ramadan 03, 1435 2014-07-01


Saudi Arabia: the mother of all evils

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 03, 1435 2014-06-01


Will the real Ikhwan please stand up!

Abu Dharr

Rajab 02, 1435 2014-05-01


Show me a traitor and I’ll show you a munafiq

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 01, 1435 2014-04-01


Bandar is no Bilal... he is Wahshi

Abu Dharr

Muharram 27, 1435 2013-12-01


From brother to brother

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 27, 1434 2013-11-01


The ignorant man is dead even if he is breathing

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 25, 1434 2013-10-01


And the truth shall set you free

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 24, 1434 2013-09-01


Saint abroad, a devil at home

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 22, 1434 2013-07-01


Syria… the new Israel?

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 20, 1434 2013-04-01


Satanic… Saudi… and sectarian…

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 19, 1434 2013-03-01


Saudi Arabia’s last gasp: sectarianism

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 20, 1434 2013-02-01


Egypt! The Muslims are waiting

Abu Dharr

Safar 19, 1434 2013-01-01


The Prophet’s Karbala

Abu Dharr

Muharram 17, 1434 2012-12-01


Post-khilafah ruling class: much ado about no substance

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 16, 1433 2012-11-01


Rethink history: undo sectarianism

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 14, 1433 2012-10-01


Flashpoint Syria, target Iran

Abu Dharr

Ramadan 12, 1433 2012-08-01


The day democracy died

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 11, 1433 2012-07-01


A brief comparison — and you draw the line

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 09, 1433 2012-05-01


Saudi contagion — the US-Israeli nexus

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 08, 1433 2012-03-01

Guest Editorial

The sectarian weapon of mass distortion

Abu Dharr

Safar 07, 1433 2012-01-01


No, he is not an American agent!

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 28, 1432 2011-06-01


Islamic Iran and the eleventh hour

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 1431 2010-11-01


A tribute to Imam Khomeini

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 16, 1431 2010-05-01


Beating the drums of war

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 1431 2010-04-01


Obama’s report card after one year

Abu Dharr

Muharram 15, 1431 2010-01-01


String of Zionist-sponsored anti-Iran conferences

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 14, 1430 2009-12-01


Between Sunni-Shi’i sectarianism and Judeo-Christian imperialism

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 02, 1429 2008-11-01

Guest Editorial

Implications of the militarization of the Islamic struggle (2008)

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 27, 1429 2008-07-01

Guest Editorial

Bush’s pointless tour to meet his stooges in the Middle East

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 27, 1429 2008-06-01

Guest Editorial

The greater struggle between imperialism and Islamic self-determination

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 25, 1429 2008-05-01

Guest Editorial

Assessing the real role of Islamic Iran in the world

Abu Dharr

Muharram 23, 1429 2008-02-01

Guest Editorial

Pakistan and Egypt suffer from the failure of their Islamic movements

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 20, 1428 2007-12-01

Guest Editorial

America’s responsibility for the tragedy that is Iraq

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 20, 1428 2007-11-01

Guest Editorial

Examining the reality of the threat posed by al-Qa’ida

Abu Dharr

Rajab 17, 1428 2007-08-01

Guest Editorial

Remaining aware of the strategies of the forces ranged against us

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 16, 1428 2007-07-01

Guest Editorial

Remembering the true nature of our enemy

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 14, 1428 2007-05-01

Guest Editorial

Sectarian implications of the mis-trial of Saddam Hussain

Abu Dharr

Muharram 13, 1428 2007-02-01

Guest Editorial

Sectarianism: the West’s secret weapon in its war on Islam

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 1427 2007-01-01

Guest Editorial

Implications of the militarization of the Islamic struggle

Abu Dharr

Shawwal 09, 1427 2006-11-01

Guest Editorial

Fundamental realities of the situation now facing Muslims

Abu Dharr

Ramadan 08, 1427 2006-10-01

Guest Editorial

Hizbullah establishes the standard for all Islamic movements

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 08, 1427 2006-09-01

Guest Editorial

The dangers Iran faces in dealing with communal politics in Iraq

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 05, 1427 2006-06-01

Guest Editorial

The problem of culture in the modern Islamic State and movement

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 03, 1427 2006-05-01

Guest Editorial

The price of sectarianism in the Islamic movement

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 03, 1427 2006-04-01

Guest Editorial

A new year of challenges facing the Islamic state

Abu Dharr

Muharram 02, 1427 2006-02-01

Guest Editorial

US undermining their Saudi allies in the war against Islam

Abu Dharr

Ramadan 28, 1426 2005-11-01

Guest Editorial

The “American problem” facing the leaders of Islamic Iran

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Hijjah 17, 1436 2005-10-01

Guest Editorial

Islamic Iran needs to stand firm against American diplomatic overtures

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 24, 1426 2005-07-01

Guest Editorial

The extent of the danger that the US poses to Islamic Iran

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 22, 1426 2005-05-01

Guest Editorial

The centrality of ideological Islam to the Islamic state of Iran

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 20, 1425 2005-01-01

Guest Editorial

The Islamic state damaged by career diplomats and quietist ulama

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 13, 1425 2004-06-01

Guest Editorial

The threat of sectarianism and nationalism to the line of the Imam

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 11, 1425 2004-05-01

Guest Editorial

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