Armed intruders attack Masjid al-Islam in Oakland, CA

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Crescent International

Shawwal 25, 1435 2014-08-22

Daily News Analysis

by Crescent International

Armed agent provocateurs attack Masjid al-Islam in California and violently assault Imam Abdul Alim Musa. Muslims worldwide need to contact him and offer immediate support.

Oakland, CA, Crescent-online
Friday August 22, 2014, 23:29 DST

Armed agent provocateurs backed by police attacked Masjid al-Islam in Oakland, CA, and threatened to break down the masjid as well as kill Imam Abdul Alim Musa around Juma time today.

The assault started around 1:15 pm (California time) and was witnessed by several people. The assailants attempted to break down the doors of Masjid al-Islam on MacArthur Avenue to make a forcible entry into the premises.

When Imam Musa tried to film the assailants using his cell phone, he was attacked from behind, knocked to the ground and his cell phone was snatched from him. It was taken away and has not been returned to him.

Within minutes of the attack, numerous police cars arrived and blocked three of the four streets around the masjid intersection. The police, however, made no attempt to arrest the armed assailants although they had illegally entered the premises and were involved in break and entry.

According to eyewitnesses, the assailants included Mukhtar Ali Mujahid and his wife Khadijah. Mukhtar and his wife are believed to be federal agents, according to some people in the area.

They have tried to provoke fights in the masjid and the fact that they came armed with guns and acted in a manner as if they are trained in the use of firearms leads people to believe that they are federal agents.

Masjid al-Islam was the first Islamic centre opened by Imam Abdul Alim Musa in Oakland, California. After its establishment in the early 1980s, he moved to Washington DC to establish another centre there.

Given that Imam Musa is a strong critic of US imperialist policies and the tactics of Zionist agents in the US, he has been targeted. His grandson Terreyl was shot and killed in April. Later his son was shot six times and left for dead but miraculously survived.

No person has been charged in the murder of his grandson or the attempted murder of his son. The police did not even bother to record the statements of any eyewitnesses nor interviewed his son to find out what happened.

The message to Imam Musa is clear: that he is a marked man. There have been frequent messages left on his cell phone telling him that he is on their list.

The message says: “We got Imam Amin Jamil (he is in prison serving a life sentence); we got Imam Luqman Abdullah. You are next, nigger!”

Imam Musa has relentlessly exposed Zionist crimes and their manipulation of US policy. Such notorious zionists as Steve Emerson, Daniel Pipes and Abe Foxman among others have targeted him.

Some members of the Oakland Masjid community also appear to have been recruited by the federal government to undermine the community from within.

In recent months, Juma khutbahs were turned into shouting matches by agent provocateurs. Imam Musa has been trying to put out the brush fires as well as raise money to pay unpaid taxes that the infiltrators had failed to pay thereby risking the property being confiscated.

Ultimately, Imam Musa was forced to shut down the masjid in order to deal with the fitna.

He had arrived in Oakland only a day earlier when the attack during Juma occurred.

The fact that scores of police blocked three streets around Masjid al-Islam but did not arrest any of the agent provocateurs or even come the masjid premises to ask people what happened indicates that they are part of the plan to target Imam Musa.

Today’s assault was meant to provoke him into a fight so they could shoot him. He refused to be provoked and did not respond to the physical assault despite being knocked to the ground.

He needs the help and support of the community from around the world to defend himself, the masjid and the broader Muslim community in the US that is being viciously targeted.

He can be reached at his cell: 202 904 1152.

The time to reach out to him is now. His life is in clear danger. We must not allow another brave Muslim struggler to be silenced in a violent manner as so many others, like El Haj Malik Shabazz were before him.


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