Zionists, Imperialists And Their Sectarian Clergy-class

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Mohamed Ousman

Safar 27, 1446 2024-09-01

News & Analysis

by Mohamed Ousman (News & Analysis, Crescent International Vol. 54, No. 7, Safar, 1446)

Image Source - Pixabay Free Content.

The enemies of Islam spare no effort to obliterate any expression of Islam at the political level. Political zionism, political Christianity and even political Hinduism in the form of Hindutva terrorism are not only tolerated but applauded and promoted.

Exactly a century ago (March 1924), the last expression of an Islamic central authority in Turkiye—the Ottoman Khilafah—was abolished. While it was already a shell, it nonetheless maintained an organic link, however tenuous, with the first Islamic State in Madinah established by none other than Allah’s noble Messenger (pbuh).

The conspiracy to undermine the Khilafah had started much earlier. The Ottomans were resisting the invasion of European hordes including resisting the implantation of the illegitimate zionist entity in Palestine. For resisting the colonial enterprise, they were stabbed in the back by the treacherous Bani Saud and Sharif Hussain of Makkah in collusion with the British.

The British micro-managed the Saudi-Wahhabi barbarians into opening an internal war-front against that Islamic central authority in Turkiye. The result was its eventual collapse. It is revealing that the Bani Saud hordes from the backwaters of Najd were told by the non-Muslim British conspirators that the Turks were not “Arabs”; that they must revolt against them.

The British promised to make the Bani Saud clan chief—Abdul Aziz ibn Saud—the ruler of all Arabs. A similar promise was made to Sharif Hussain. Clearly, this contradictory promise could not be fulfilled. The Bani Saud became warlords in the Arabian Peninsula while Sharif Hussain’s family was accommodated by carving out Jordan from Palestine. Both continue to serve imperialist-zionist interests to this day.

The “Arab-Muslim” betrayal was accompanied by the rise of reactionary Turkish nationalism. It assumed virulent proportions. The treacherous ultra-nationalist Mustafa Kamal rode the popular resentment against Pan-Arabism and drove a nationalist dagger deep into the heart of the Ummah-concept and the Islamic-worldview.

After decades of remaining a political orphan, the leadership of Imam Khomeini ushered in a new era. Muslims who did not lose sight of the Ummah-concept and Ummah-worldview, once again regained their ideological, non-sectarian, non-nationalistic Islamic state.

Prior to the Islamic revolution in Iran, there were Shi‘is in the service of zionism and imperialism, (just as there were Sunnis). The Iranian state under the Shah who pompously called himself the Shahinshah (king of kings!) was just such a state. Neither the imperialists, zionists or Wahhabis had any problem with that “Shi‘i” jahili state preceding the Islamic revolution.

Now, a century after the collapse of that Islamic central authority in Turkiye, history seems to be repeating itself. But this time, the target is the Islamic Republic in Iran.

The sectarian brigade went into high gear after the Islamic revolution succeeded in Iran in 1979 consigning the zio-imperialist puppet regime to the dustbin of history.

For sectarians, truth is expendable. In their blind pursuit of their self-righteous sectarian agenda, all sectarians miss the larger picture.

Since the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, the sectarian brigade took the liberty to once again show that they are firmly in the camp of the imperialists and zionists. In an attempt to drive a wedge between the post-Sunni/Shi‘i Islamic resistance, they pointed their finger of accusation at the leadership of the Islamic Republic saying “Iran is untrustworthy and did not provide adequate security.” Their satanic message of division was “Shi‘i” Iran failed “Sunni” Hamas.

Of course, the Muslims who did not lose sight of the Ummah-concept and Ummah-worldview did not fall for this. Their mature thoughts immediately reminded them that an Islamic State has enemies. This will always be the case, as we know from the Sunnah and Seerah of the noble Messenger (pbuh).

It is unmistakable to note that the ultimate decision-maker of the Muslims, Umar (ra) was assassinated in the Islamic state in Madinah. That was no ordinary Islamic state. It was modelled on the Prophetic pattern. Similarly, his two successors, Uthman and Ali, were also assassinated.

What do these sectarians have to say about this historical development? Did the creme of the crop Muslims also fail and hence these assassinations?

Secondly, it should never escape any thinking Muslim that the Islamic state in Madinah had its munafiqeen (dual loyalists). Back then they were made up of self-serving Arabian tribalists- cum-nationalists, and the dubious converts from among the Yahud.

Whenever an Islamic state emerges in any locale, there will be munafiqeen (dual loyalists). This is inevitable.

The Islamic Republic of Iran today has its munafiqeen (dual loyalists). Internally, they are made up of Persian nationalists and Shi‘i sectarians. Externally, they extend to include other nationalists and also Sunni sectarians.

These components of the munafiqeen (dual loyalists) join hands with the imperialists and zionists to strike at the Ummah-concept and Ummah-worldview foundation of the Islamic state.

Thirdly, these munafiqeen, present in every Islamic state, will always prove treacherous. If we had enough information and investigative insights, we would inevitably prove that it is these munafiqeen collaborating with the imperialists and zionists who are responsible for the martyrdom of both Qasim Sulaimani and Ismail Haniyeh.

Fourthly, over the decades, Palestinian leaders were assassinated in different countries: Tunis, Libya, Dubai, etc. beginning in the 1970s. What do these sectarians have to say about those assassinations?

Fifthly, these sectarian novices lack political acumen and downgrade everything to “politically correct theology”. It should be pointed out that if the Hamas leadership was dissatisfied with security arrangements they would not set up “base” in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

It is astonishing to note how these sectarians ignore the unity statements of Hamas leadership since the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh. Hamas has not blamed Iran. On the contrary, they have highlighted the Israeli hand and re-affirmed the unity of the Islamic Resistance (Islamic Iran, Hamas, Ansarullah, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah, Islamic Resistance in Iraq, etc.).

Conclusively, the sectarian brigade has neither the healthy complementary character of authentic Shi‘is nor the healthy character of authentic Sunnis. The sectarian brigade is clearly operating outside the narrative of the Islamic Resistance to further the imperialist-zionist agenda. It is trying to divide the Islamic Resistance and striking at the Ummah-concept and Ummah-worldview foundation of the Islamic Republic in Iran.

Allah’s Prophet has warned us:

إن أخوف ما أخاف عليكم بعدي كل منافق عليم اللسان

“The thing I fear most for you after me is every hypocrite with a learned tongue.”

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