Imran Khan’s victory in Pakistan’s general elections in July has broken the monopoly of the Sharif-Zardari mafia families raising great hopes among the people.
Rulers often masquerade as leaders but Islam has its own requirements for leadership that are very different from other systems. We examine the difference between rulers and leaders.
There is more to Turkey’s financial crisis than meets the eye. The real reason appears to be the West’s demand to President Erdogan to decide whether he is on their side or that of the Turkish masses.
Bani Saud show hypocrisy over women’s rights. While allowing them to drive cars, they have rounded up those women that had campaigned to have the ban lifted.
Imran Khan may have won the elections but the mess his predecessors have left behind will take a long time to clean up. This will not be easy while people’s patience is likely to wear thin soon amid heightened expectations.
It is a waste of time to take Donald Trump seriously. That is precisely what the leaders of the Islamic Republic did when Trump offered to talk to them anytime, any place without preconditions after imposing illegal sanctions on Iran.
While there is marked increase in threats from the US and Zionist Israel against Islamic Iran and Hizbullah, should either of the aggressors blunder into launching an attack, they will find the outcome very grim for them.
The Nigerian regime has no case against Shaykh Zakzaky and his wife but they are incarcerated because the regime is beholden to Zionist Israel and Saudi Arabia as well as afraid of the Shaykh’s popularity among the masses.
Whatever Bin Salman touches turns to dust. The latest disaster to befall the doomed kingdom is the failure of his “Vision 2030” whose lynchpin was floating 5% of Aramco shares. There were no takers and the venture has had to be shelved!
American warlords have had their noses rubbed in the dust, or on the rocks of the Hindu Kush mountains by the intrepid Afghans. Afghanistan has become graveyard for one more empire!
Uncle Sam is waging economic and financial warfare against the Islamic Republic in order to undermine its independence based on the Islamic value system.
Saudi crown prince Muhammad bin Salman is thrashing about like a wounded beast that is trapped. He has arrested a large number of people and also intensified executions in the kingdom to terrorize the people into submission. He is failing and will only short-circuit his own existence.
Despite its self-crafted image as a benevolent superpower, its record is one of murder and chaos on a gigantic scale.
Donald Trump’s crude and uncouth conduct revives memories of John Wayne of cowboy movies’ fame (or infamy).
As the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons, America continues to indulge in its atrocious conduct when it comes to nuclear weapons.
Shining light on the terrorist nature of Zionism and the birth of Israel that emerged by shedding the blood of Palestinian civilians and by indulging in ethnic cleansing.
As the name suggests, Islamophobia is directed primarily against Muslims but its victims can be non-Muslims as well. Recent tragic events bring this to the fore with stunning clarity.
Some people bring happiness by coming, others by leaving, permanently. John McCain falls in the latter category. Throughout his adult life, he brought death and destruction to “others.”
Justice-loving people all over the world have had no illusions about Zionist Israel’s apartheid nature. How else would one describe the so-called Law of Return for Jews only, squatter colonies on stolen Palestinian land, water usage rights for the benefit of only Israelis, and highways reserved exclusively for Jews?
Bani Saud are guilty of openly violating Allah’s commands pertaining to Hajj. From imposing visas to charging exorbitant prices and limiting Hajj to a matter of a few days, all these are contrary to Qur’anic teachings and the prophetic Sunnah.