Will Afghanistan descend into civil war? This is what the doomsayers are projecting but the manner in which the Taliban have conducted themselves so far gives hope that fighting, if any, will not be large scale and the resistance group would be able to control it.
One of the best-informed Western journalists and authors, Eric Margolis gives his analysis of the situation in Afghanistan. Unlike many other so-called experts, he went to Afghanistan in the 1980s and actually participated in fighting against the Soviets.
Unlike distant powers, Afghanistan’s neighbours, especially Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia have a huge stake in a stable and peaceful country. They should assist the Afghans to come to a suitable arrangement in which all ethnic groups are represented and do not feel alienated.
Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction. The US is the only country in the world to have used them but twice against Japan in the Second World War. It has now appointed itself the world’s policeman to determine who can and cannot possess such weapons.
Abu Dharr continues his review of hadiths, true and made-up or misinterpreted, so that Muslims would have a better understanding of this vital subject that has often been used for partisan point-scoring.
The West in general and the European Union in particular take pride in their liberalism, freedom of expression and dress yet when it comes to Muslims, especially Muslim women, all such freedoms evaporate.
America has an army of paid agents in Pakistan. These people cannot imagine life without American patronage and approval. They want every Pakistani to say, “how high sir” when the US says jump. These agents are upset because Imran Khan refused military bases to the US.
Since the Hindu fascist regime led by Narendra Modi in India abrogated Jammu and Kashmir’s special status in August 2019, the Kashmiris’ plight has turned grim. While they are struggling to survive on a day-to-day basis, Hindu settler colonialists are flooding the state to take over.
The West uses the terrorist label against anyone or any group that opposes its hegemonic policies. Groups that actually indulge in terrorism but serve the West’s agenda are taken off this list. The terrorist outfit, MKO is the West’s favourite terrorist and patronized by it.
Saudization has long been touted as a policy to replace expatriate workers with the Saudis. Given the Saudis’ laziness and incompetence, the policy is not making much headway. The only thing the regime has achieved is the expulsion of expatriates without any Saudis replacing them.
The neo-cons may be less visible today but they are not inactive. Their disastrous policies have inflicted colossal losses on the US economy but they remain unrepentant. They continue to plow ahead with their evil policies causing immense harm to people in distant lands.
Long-time Crescent International reader points to the mountains of debt the US, and therefore, the American people, are being crushed under. The US does not have the ability to pay its debt.
Why the US and its Nato allies will continue to look for pretexts to continue interference in Afghanistan and why they will fail.
The recent discovery of thousands of graves of indigenous children in Canada has led to the burning of churches. This is not the way to seek redress and reconciliation.