Crescent International Vol. 52, No. 12

Newsmagazine of the Islamic movement

Afeef Khan, Hayy Yaqzan, Jawwad Mulla

Rajab, 1444 2023-02

Developing Just Leadership

Zia Sarhadi

Rajab 10, 1444

Main Stories

Powerful forces are deliberately creating instability to subvert the demand for holding elections in Pakistan. The power-wielders fear that Imran Khan’s party will sweep the polls and usher in changes that will curtail the powers of the parasites that have ruined Pakistan to this sorry state.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Zafar Bangash

Rajab 10, 1444

Main Stories

Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran has been subjected to incessant attacks, sabotage, bombings, assassination of its top leaders as well as a full-fledged war imposed through Iraq. Despite these challenges, Islamic Iran has survived and thrived. We explain how.

Developing Just Leadership

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 10, 1444

Main Stories

It would reasonable to assume that given the success of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, its model would be emulated by other Muslim countries. What has prevented its spread to other countries and who is behind the campaign of obstruction and containment?

Developing Just Leadership

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 10, 1444

Main Stories

Guided by the Rahbar Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Islamic Iran has developed a knowledge-based economy that has enabled it to take major strides in the fields of science, technology and drones. It is also now almost self-sufficient in the production of military equipment.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed


Rajab 10, 1444


Kashmiris are one of the most oppressed people in the world. They are also the longest-occupied people. These necessitate expressing solidarity with the people of Kashmir under India’s brutal occupation and seek ways for their liberation.

Developing Just Leadership

Zafar Bangash

Rajab 10, 1444


Why do kings and other potentates whose rule is clearly un-Islamic insist on having court preachers on their payroll? The court preachers play an important in providing a veneer of Islamicity, and therefore, legitimacy where none exists, to these rulers.

Developing Just Leadership

Abu Dharr

Rajab 10, 1444


Allah (swt) told His beloved Prophet (pbuh) to make decisions through mutual consultation with his followers. Despite being guided from on high, there were occasions when the Prophet (pbuh) sought the opinion of his companions and accepted it even when it was contrary to the opinion he held. This has important implications for Muslim life.

Developing Just Leadership

Ahmet Mehmet

Rajab 10, 1444

News & Analysis

Turkish President Erdogan has realized that his belligerent policy in Syria has failed. He is trying to find a face-saving exit but Syria sees this as an opportunistic move because he faces a tough challenge in the June elections in which the opposition is exploiting the anti-refugee sentiment in Turkey.

Developing Just Leadership

Zafar Bangash

Rajab 10, 1444

News & Analysis

This year the event of Al-Isra wal Mi’raj falls on February 17-18. We look at the long struggle and suffering that culminated in this miraculous event in the life of the Prophet (pbuh).

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 10, 1444

News & Analysis

Zionism is racism. There is no other way to describe it. It is also a murderous ideology that has no respect for Palestinian life. It is important to find ways to deal with this menace and eliminate it so that peace can be restored to the Holy Land.

Ensuring Socio-economic Justice

Khadijah Ali

Rajab 10, 1444

News & Analysis

January 29 marked the sixth year of the horrific murder of six Muslims at the Quebec City Mosque; 19 other were injured, some left incapacitated for life. We must never forget the terrorist attack that caused so much death and destruction to peaceful Muslims.

Developing Just Leadership

Khadijah Ali

Rajab 10, 1444

News & Analysis

There is a systematic assault on marriage, family life and family values in the collective west. This campaign is now being spread to the Muslim world as well. It is important for Muslims resist this destructive campaign because Islam’s marriage-based family life is working perfectly fine.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Waseem Shehzad

Rajab 10, 1444

News & Analysis

American propaganda has been extremely successful in selling the idea of the “American dream” when in reality it is a nightmare. This is reflected in the number of murders, suicides and rising crime rates. The US incarceration rate is also one of the highest in the world. What dream?

Ensuring Socio-economic Justice

Tahir Mahmoud

Rajab 10, 1444

News & Analysis

Since the US has weaponized the dollar and is using it to blackmail countries to surrender to its demands, it is time to find ways to ditch the dollar. This is a process, not an event and must be pursued with prudence and sound planning.

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