While Zionist genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza continues, a more serious threat to Masjid al-Aqsa has gone unnoticed. Jewish terrorists have brought five unblemished ‘red heifers’ (cows) for ritual slaughter in Masjid al-Aqsa as prelude to its destruction and building of the mythical ‘third temple’ in its place.
Fear of being targeted by the zio-imperialists and lack of spiritual quality has paralyzed Arab rulers to act in support of the Palestinians. Without public support, they are no match for the demonic energy of the zionist shayateen.
With the approach of Ramadan, Muslims begin to think of items for Iftaar. One of the essential items is dates. Muslims must not purchase and consume Israeli dates that are produced on stolen Palestinian land and packaged under misleading labels. We provide the list.
Qur’an recital is common during Ramadan. Understanding the noble Book is even more important. Toward this end, the ICT has produced an ‘English only’ version with simplified expressions. Imam Muhammad al Asi is the translator. We urge readers to get a copy as well as gift it to non-Muslim friends. Join the caravan to promote Qur’anic understanding.
In his regular column, Abu Dharr continues to clear the web of confusion surrounding early Islamic history that has engulfed Muslim minds for centuries.
Zionist Israel would be signing its own death warrant if it starts a full-scale war with Hizbullah in Lebanon. The Islamic resistance has enough fire power, but more crucially the will power, to wipe out Israel. Zionists, beware!
Criminal generals and corrupt politicians have stolen the people’s mandate and pushed Pakistan toward disaster. Amid political uncertainty, the economy teeters on the brink. The clueless generals and their puppet politicians keep running to the IMF for bailout packages. For how long?
China has become the first country in the world to establish full diplomatic relations with the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan. There are 15 countries that have consular offices. The US is not one of them but has requested the Taliban to open a consulate in Kabul.
Some of the leading charities in the world are run by Muslims. While Islam encourages giving charity, there must be a context. Mass suffering, death, destruction and displacement have increased. It is imperative to understand why and how to prevent these recurring disasters.
Muslims living as minorities in non-Muslim societies are caught on the horns of a dilemma. The choice is always between the lesser of the two evils. This is an illusion. Muslims should open a debate among themselves and non-Muslims that follow the scripture to chalk out a way forward based on Divine guidance.
In tandem with its genocide in Gaza, the zionist war criminals are also using starvation as a weapon of war. Almost the entire population of Gaza faces starvation. There is enough food, water and medicines waiting outside Gaza’s border with Egypt, but the zionists refuse to allow it in.
The war in Ukraine has caused major problems for people in Europe. With increased energy costs as a result of Europe’s decision not to purchase Russian oil and gas under US pressure, European farmers have risen up in revolt. It is likely to benefit China, that in turn will upset the US.