With Western-instigated wars raging in different parts of the world, death, destruction and famine are everywhere. Only Islam offers a solution to this deeply troubled world provided people open their eyes and see its reality, especially as reflected in the achievements of the Islamic revolution in Iran.
Donald Trump has touted his “America first” mantra but his overriding concern, as that of almost all members of Congress and other parts of the American establishment, are devoted to protecting the illegitimate Zionist entity. Ordinary Americans suffer as a consequence.
Justice is a fundamental precept in every society. Regrettably, Pakistan’s judicial system, inherited from British colonialism, is broken and does not deliver justice to the people as is evident from the 1.9 million cases pending before courts.
Through determination and valiant resistance, Islamic Iran has shaken the foundations of the oppressive global order and given hope to all the oppressed people in the world. A New World Order based on fairness and justice is taking shape even if slowly!
Notwithstanding its pretentious claims to being the “sole superpower”, the US is in terminal decline politically, economically and socially. It can no longer orders others to follow its commands.
Despite a much-touted ceasefire in Hodaydah that was negotiated in Sweden, the Saudi war-mongers and aggressor and their co-conspirators are doing everything to undermine it.
The Americans are dishonest to the core. Not surprisingly, the Taliban do not trust them one bit. The Americans want to retain military bases in Afghanistan; the Taliban will have none of this. Who can blame them?
By kidnapping Press TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi and holding here hostage, the US regime has once again exposed its true face: it is not a regime governed by the rule of law; gangsters run this lawless state.
Brexit, Yellow Vest and the rise of fascist parties all across Europe signal trouble for the continent of 500 million people. Can disintegration be far behind?
Almost every policy that the neocons could think of has failed. In their desperation, they attacked a courageous but defenseless Press TV anchor, Marzieh Hashemi but even this has backfired on them.
The Zionists use different ruses to hoodwink gullible Muslims into embracing their narrative. Thanks to the efforts of one alert Muslim journalist Salih Muhammad Roshan of 5pillarsuk.com, such sneaky attempts have been thwarted causing great angst to the Zionists.
Islamophobia is a vast and profitable industry. Some use openly foul and racist language (the Hindu Ron Banerjee) while others peddle their Islamophobia camouflaged in academic garb. The arch-Zionist Daniel Pipes falls into the latter category.
Some people including some Yemenis have been so brainwashed about the situation in Yemen, especially relating to Iran’s role in it, that they refuse to see what the Saudi criminals are doing to their society. For them, only Iran is to blame!
The Zionists, Americans and Saudis are notorious for using white phosphorus against perceived enemies as well as civilians. The use of white phosphorus needs to be exposed and condemned.
Bani Saud, the illegal occupiers of the Arabian Peninsula, are busy destroying the sacred sites in Makkah and al Madinah yet the Muslim Ummah is either ignorant or largely silent on these crimes.
The Russian ideologue, philosopher and political scientist Alexandr Dugin has a lot to say about religions including Islam but his framework is entirely geopolitical. He totally fails to consider the moral and spiritual aspects of the deen of Islam, hence his failure to understand it
Islam is very clear about protecting the religious places of other faith communities, especially churches. Yet, the dictatorial regime in Egypt is using this as a cover to refurbish its jaded image .
With the resistance front’s routing of the US-Zionist-Saudi-backed terrorists in Syria, Donald Trump used that as an excuse to get the hell out. In his customary arrogance, he claimed the US defeated ISIS.
"I wish to thank Dr. John Andrew Morrow and Crescent International for highlighting the Saudis’ desecration and destruction of sacred sites in Makkah and Madinah."
"I was glad to read that the obnoxious smelly Hindu “Ron” Banerjee has been forced to apologize for his Islamophobic rants."