Crescent International Vol. 54, No. 12

Newsmagazine of the Islamic movement

Afeef Khan, Hayy Yaqzan, Jawwad Mulla

Sha'ban, 1446 2025-02

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 02, 1446

Main Stories

There is deep fear among leading thinkers and even some generals that the zionist entity may not last for 80 years. This is based on the fact that twice before, the Jewish kingdom did not complete 80 years. It is likely to be no different this time given deep internal divisions.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Khadijah Ali

Sha'ban 02, 1446

Main Stories

Hind Rajab was only five years old when the Israeli army brutally murdered her. She was traveling in her uncle’s car trying to escape Gaza City on orders of the zionist army when they were shot and killed. Hind’s murder must not be forgotten and the perpetrators brought to justice.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed


Sha'ban 02, 1446


The very idea of US-Iran talks appears far-fetched given the extreme hostility Trump showed toward Tehran during his last term as president. There are, however, moves and statements from both sides that give hint to possible backdoor channels working.

Developing Just Leadership

Zafar Bangash

Sha'ban 02, 1446


The Qur’an is Allah’s guidance to humanity and the Prophet’s Sunnah and Seerah are the practical manifestations of Qur’anic principles. The Prophet (pbuh) established a society and state based on social justice free from oppression and exploitation.

Developing Just Leadership

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 02, 1446


In this article, Abu Dharr discusses why and how Sa ‘d ibn Abi Waqqas, a very early Muslim and companion of the Prophet (pbuh), was mistreated by Uthman when he became the ruler. Properly understanding early Islamic history will enable us to arrive at the correct conclusions.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Tahir Mustafa

Sha'ban 02, 1446

News & Analysis

It speaks volumes for the US political and judicial system. A convicted felon cannot be hired as a security guard but he can become the president of the United States. Trump just proved this despite being convicted on 34 counts of felony.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Waseem Shehzad

Sha'ban 02, 1446

News & Analysis

Even while claiming that he wants to be known as a ‘peacemaker’ Donald Trump is acting like an ugly imperialist. He wants to grab Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal and has just renamed the Gulf of Mexico as the American Gulf. Welcome to American imperialism!

Developing Just Leadership

Brecht Jonkers

Sha'ban 02, 1446

News & Analysis

Just days before Trump’s inauguration as president, Russia and Iran signed a landmark Startegic Partnership Agreement that. Clearly signal the two countries’ desire to forge closer cooperation in numerous fields including energy, transportation, nuclear and defence.

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Sha'ban 02, 1446

News & Analysis

The Bani Saud, especially the upstart de facto ruler, Muhammad bin Salman, are up for a rough ride. Trump has made clear that he wants them to cough up $1 trillion—yes, that is trillion with a ‘T’. Americans have a fine way of showing friendship!

Empowering Weak & Oppressed

Tahir Mahmoud

Sha'ban 02, 1446

News & Analysis

Despite suffering setbacks, the Lebanese Islamic resistance movement Hizbullah has shown remarkable resilience. The movement is not personality-based. Rather, it is rooted in ideology based on the Islamic faith.

Developing Just Leadership

Omar Ahmed

Sha'ban 02, 1446

News & Analysis

The fall of the Syrian government to US-zionist-Turkish-backed takfiris is definitely a setback for the Resistance Axis but not on a scale that it cannot be overcome. Collapse of the Syrian economy poses both challenges and opportunities and how they are addressed will be crucial.

Developing Just Leadership

Muslim Mahmood

Sha'ban 02, 1446

Islamic Movement

Al-Isra wal Mi‘raj must not be viewed as an isolated event but the culmination of a long struggle for the sake of Allah following which the noble Messenger (pbuh) was rewarded with this great experience. It has important lessons for our struggles today.

Developing Just Leadership

Mohamed Ousman

Sha'ban 02, 1446

Islamic Movement

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a reliable tool to assess the quality of translation of The Ascendant Qur’an. Further, AI is not intelligent enough to assess the profound of message contained therein.

Developing Just Leadership

Mohamed Ousman

Sha'ban 02, 1446

Islamic Movement

Any society, including one comprising a plurality of Muslims, will not meet the standards of being Islamic unless it is governed by the laws—moral, ethical and legal—ordained by Allah in the noble Qur’an.

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